What is a Prompt?

What is a Prompt?

Prompt Writing

What is a prompt? 

A prompt is a concise set of system instructions that allow the AI to understand and fulfill its role, while providing context outside of the automation workflow. The prompt section is located in the editor under the Prompt tab. In most cases, it will be the first place you land when opening the editor.

Writing a prompt

Prompts can be written from scratch or generated by using AI. When you start building a new application, you can create a prompt or choose from one of MindStudio’s many templates. To create a prompt from scratch, select Blank AI and then click Next.

Every blank AI will have a basic default prompt, which you can delete to write your own. The prompt is written in Markdown language. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to easily add formatting options and other types of basic syntax elements.

Prompts can be as simple or as complex as you like. What matters most is that the information is relevant to the type of application you're building.


Here are some steps to follow to create a prompt for a social media caption generator:

  1. Start by adding a heading called “Caption Generator.” 
  2. Create a sub-heading called “Tone” and add some parameters around the tone the AI should use when outputting information to the user. 
  3. Also add a sub-heading called “Output” and provide additional parameters to the prompt, such as:some text
    • How many captions the AI should generate with each output
    • How many hashtags it should include with each caption
    • Instructions to format everything cleanly in a table.