When no-code was first becoming a concept, I was disappointed because it was still too technical to build apps quickly and efficiently for clients. When I saw MindStudio, I was like, “Yes, this is what I’ve been waiting for!”
- Ben D’Amico, Founder of ZenBusiness.Tech

ZenBusiness.Tech uses MindStudio to

  • Increase clients’ efficiency by automating outreach 
  • Build AI applications that can produce content aligned with a person or brand’s tone of voice
  • Give clients access to all the latest AI models as soon as they are released

The company

Ben D’Amico, founder of ZenBusiness.Tech, is a business coach and AI expert who offers custom AI services, coaching, and no-code courses to professionals across many domains — including human resources, product development and sourcing, trademark management, and corporate acquisitions. His goal is to use AI to improve quality of work, reduce overhead, and give clients more of their time back. 

The problem

D’Amico initially used ChatGPT to write outreach pitches for clients. However, personalizing them required repetitively inputting the same context, such as a client’s business background, email signature, writing style, business offerings, and a potential partner’s information. ZenBusiness.Tech needed a more efficient process. 

The solution

MindStudio supports multiple prompts and the ability to reference a client’s business information and writing style — without uploading those details in every prompt. It allows ZenBusiness.Tech to rapidly build and test custom AI solutions for clients, with high-quality results and almost no learning curve.

D’Amico particularly appreciates that MindStudio is model agnostic and lets application builders go “from concept to prompt to a working app in minutes.” MindStudio’s multi-step automations provide an optimal and extremely easy user experience, and per-user pricing maximizes the benefits for both the business and its clients.

Case study: Custom AI for cold outreach

ZenBusiness.Tech worked with coach and entrepreneur Heather Taylor to create an AI assistant to make her new client pitches more efficient. She was spending 1-2 hours crafting the perfect pitch, resulting in over 20 hours per month on this repetitive task. Accelerating her business’ growth would require automation, but Taylor wanted a solution tailored to her needs and services that would uphold her personal voice and values.

ZenBusiness.Tech used MindStudio to create a personalized assistant to:

  • Generate personalized pitches and outreach messages
  • Directly reference Taylor’s unique writing style, background, bio, and business offerings
  • Craft pitches that genuinely sound like her

This custom solution allows Taylor to effortlessly connect with potential partners and collaborators by giving the AI assistant a potential partner’s website URL and her raw thoughts. The AI then analyzes the potential partner's business goals and provides a highly effective, personalized pitch about how a partnership would be mutually beneficial.

By leveraging MindStudio's powerful AI capabilities, ZenBusiness.Tech sped up the outreach process and eliminated time spent wordsmithing messages. Instead, she can now focus on identifying the right partners and let the AI handle the initial introduction. 

The outcome

The personalization of the pitches greatly impacts the response rate, and the ability to feed the AI a partner’s details lets Taylor focus on genuinely connecting with them and their work.

Taylor's results were remarkable within just one month of using the MindStudio-powered AI assistant:

  • 20 potential partner calls within three days
  • A book deal with a five-year marketing plan and monthly summits that will be turned into an upcoming TV series 
  • 9 podcast interviews booked
  • Numerous new YouTube subscribers on her channel 
  • 92% reduction in outreach time


MindStudio enables ZenBusiness.Tech to deliver exceptional results in record time and empower entrepreneurs like Taylor to scale their businesses authentically and efficiently with custom AI. 

“MindStudio right now is my favorite software. And that says a lot; I have half-lived on a computer since I was 11,” says D’Amico. “I love MindStudio because of the power it gives individuals — it’s leveling the playing field for virtually everything. Creating this AI assistant allowed me to ‘automate myself into a promotion’ and delegate the task of marketing outreach to employees who previously had no experience.”

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