“The real benefit of MindStudio is giving agencies like ourselves the power to expand a services-oriented model into a scalable product with AI applications.”

  • Sav Banerjee

Enso Partners uses MindStudio to: 

  • Design and develop custom AI co-pilots for agencies and brands
  • Streamline data-driven research into insights for strategy and creative teams
  • Simplify the extensive PRC (Promotional Review Committee) submission process  for pharma brands

The company

Enso Partners is a team of advertising, technology, and data-science experts. They aim to redefine the advertising landscape by offering innovative products and services that help clients stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

The challenge

Traditionally, the way that agencies collect data requires multiple teams of junior and mid-level employees to manually distill large amounts of research into presentations to present to senior executives for review. This often takes two to four weeks for every project, plus approval times. As a result, agencies are looking to AI to shorten the process — but specifically AI that can reference their own data sources and comply with regulated industries like the fields of healthcare or finance. 

When a client first asked Enso Partners to build them a custom AI solution, they didn’t have AI capabilities or developer resources at the time. After receiving similar requests and reading industry news,  it was clear that integrating AI would become an urgent necessity in advertising and marketing. To maintain its competitive edge, Enso Partners would need to expand their services. 

The partnership

Enso Partners now uses MindStudio to enable AI services for their clients, including consulting, customer journey mapping, competitor analysis, and personalized messaging. They particularly value the ability to upload clients’ data sources on a secure AI application platform and have AIs reference it via Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). This provides immediate access to relevant and accurate insights for creative and brand teams, enabling them to generate strategies and content quickly — all while keeping organizations in compliance. 

“MindStudio is probably the first AI platform that has given me the confidence to tell clients ‘We can use all these different models, test them, and make sure your data is safe, to help you get to the next horizon,” says Enso Partners’ founder Sav Banerjee. 

MindStudio has allowed Enso Partners to continue operating and growing their client network in the pharmaceutical industry. They are onboarding clients directly onto the MindStudio platform because the learning curve is easy enough for them to use and edit applications themselves. 

Case study: Creating marketing AI co-pilots for regulated industries

The pharmaceutical industry has particularly complex and time-consuming content creation and approval processes. Enso Partners collaborated with Heller Agency, a marketing agency specializing in pharma and healthcare brands, to automate and optimize tasks within those processes, allowing teams to focus on high-value work and deliver exceptional client results.

They developed three customized AI assistants for distinct functions:

  1. Copy co-pilot: Generate client brand briefs to kick off marketing campaigns
  2. Brand design co-pilot: Helps creative teams uncover brand insights for art and copy
  3. General assistant: Brainstorm campaign, storyline, and mood board ideas for creative teams using insights from the first two co-pilots

The copy co-pilot enables copywriting and editorial teams to cite key audience, brand, competitive, and categorical data tied to the latest clinical research. Research that used to take days can now be found in minutes.

The brand design co-pilot assists with manuscript generation by locating client brand documentation and historical creative files. It identifies essential color palettes, font sizes, and visual brand elements for mock-ups. After validating this data, it drafts concise content, allowing the team to focus on the more creative aspects of their work.

These co-pilots optimize workflows by integrating with Heller Agency's existing internal teams, processes, and data pipelines to provide immediate insights. The co-pilots’ ability to generate relevant and accurate insights from vast data sources ensured the creative output was innovative and aligned with brand guidelines.

The outcome

After implementing Enso Partners’ co-pilots, Heller Agency’s team experienced immediate benefits like time savings, improved efficiency, and enhanced creative output.

Automating the collection and initial documentation review significantly accelerates approval timelines, reducing the required review rounds.

“Our work for Heller Agency highlights the potential of AI in the pharmaceutical advertising space,” said Banerjee. “The AI co-pilots improved the key benchmarks of a successful marketing campaign. It has been rewarding to witness our AI solutions' positive impact on Heller's operations and their ability to deliver value to their clients.” 


By leveraging Mindstudio's platform and RAG's advanced technology, Enso Partners provided Heller Agency with tools that increased the efficiency of their processes and elevated the quality and creativity of their content.

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