Riskoria is a boutique consultancy that provides tailored solutions that integrate AI and cybersecurity into a cohesive business strategy. Their extensive network of independent consultants provides strategic advising, building and implementing AI and cybersecurity solutions, compliance assurance, and risk management. 

CEO Tom Vazdar has a background in banking, IT, and cybersecurity. He discovered MindStudio in September 2023 on LinkedIn and attended two hackathons, during which he created winning AI tools related to cybersecurity solutions and the software development lifecycle. 

Vazdar is now a mentor and Level 2 instructor in the MindStudio Academy, designing and teaching curriculum. 

The problem

As a consultant for agencies, a board chair of educational and humanitarian organizations, and an AI instructor, Vazdar often encounters organizations — from small businesses to enterprises — that recognize the need for AI but lack a clear understanding of which processes it can automate. 

“Everyone wants AI, but nobody understands how to go about it. You can’t implement AI just because you want AI. Riskoria handles scoping, due diligence, and training on what is required for AI implementation,” Vazdar says.  

In addition to AI blindspots, companies often find it difficult to determine where security needs to be improved and how to choose or implement the appropriate solutions. 


MindStudio enables Vazdar and Riskoria to integrate AI into their cybersecurity services and help businesses proactively improve their security. It enables them to offer custom, affordable solutions that directly contribute to their business strategy.

Vazdar designed CyberAid to serve as a first level of cybersecurity support for small businesses. It allows them to type in their problem, such as a hardware or ransomware issue, and receive more explanation and initial recommendations for a solution. Another tool he built is ThreatGen AI, which can be used during the software development lifecycle process to design security features. It highlights areas that need more attention and recommends building security into the product. 

Community engagement 

Through his involvement with MindStudio Academy, Vazdar’s business has benefited from the community's enthusiasm and from learning what others are building or how they’re growing their own businesses. 

“It's not only about the AI,” he says. “People also share their business practices. How do you price the model? How do you approach the new client? What can you offer the new client?” 


Vazdar recommends that people first try MindStudio and understand how the platform works. Then, they can present it to decision-makers at client organizations.

“MindStudio is great for learning about AI in general. Once you start building, you get intrigued. It’s like the early days of the internet — a huge discovery,” Vazdar says.

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