What is a Variable?

What is a Variable?

User inputs and Variables

What are variables?

Variables are placeholders that store values that represent data being passed through an AI application.

How to use variables

When creating a user input, assign a variable name to pass the data collected from that user input to other parts of your application. For example, if we’re building a demo sales call generator, we want to have the user provide a description of the customer they are selling to, which we've given the variable name "client_description."

You can then use that variable in a Generate Text block as context when asking the AI to create a demo call. Variables can also be used when saving the output from a Generate Text block and using that output somewhere else in your workflow. 

In this case, we've assigned all the context of our demo call to a variable titled "call.” We could then use this variable in tandem with another Generate Text block that includes additional information.

Benefits of using variables

  • Allow you to keep your application organized, as you can store data in one place and then reference it later.
  • Make your application more flexible, as you can change the value of a variable without having to change the code in other parts of your application.
  • Help debug your application, as you can use variables to track the flow of data through your application.